Grandkids delight in hearing from their grandparents and stories relating to what they are going through at that particular time. Stories born to connect!
Connect with Encouragement
As I was away from my grandchildren when they initially moved to the UK and the Netherlands, I missed them terribly but spoke to them daily on Facetime, I wrote them stories which I posted with a gift. Children love receiving letters in the post.

So often we read stories to our kids or grandkids that we like, but I find tales that relate to the challenges they are facing at that particular time to be a fabulous way of helping them understand the dilemmas of what they personally are going through.
Young children find it awfully difficult to explain how they feel and what emotions they are experiencing at any given time. You as a parent or grandparent will identify certain behavior and have an indication of what the problem is, but sometimes helping the child find a solution that they understand is very difficult. Stories if they relate to the child, can assist them to understand their own problem and how to deal with it.
My Very Best Friend
This is a short story I wrote for my one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter who needed a friend as she saw her brothers with their friends and complained that she did not have one.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Gray. What a happy, clever little girl she is. One day she was sitting in the garden when Bella Bunny came by. ![]() Bella stopped and looked at Gray. Gray looked at Bella. “Hello bunny, I am Gray, what is your name?” asked Gray to Bella. Hop, hop, hop went Bella coming closer to Gray. “My name is Bella. I don’t have a home and it is getting cold at night. Can I come live with you Gray? Are you kind and gentle? Will you give me lots of hugs?” Gray was so happy to now have a bunny of her very own. “Come Bella, let us play together. I now have my very own friend.” So Gray and Bella played hide and seek, hop-hopping races across the garden, and pretended to have tea on the blanket. Soon it was time to go inside. Bella bounced into Gray’s lap and they went inside. First, they had to have a bath. “Eeek! Bella Bunny had never had a bath before. She climbed into the bath with Gray and it felt so good so Bella Bunny began to sing: “I jump in the bathtub, it’s time to get all clean I’ll be the cleanest bunny you’ve ever seen The soap and the bubbles are filling up the tub So I’ll jump in the water and scrub, scrub, scrub” After the bath, Gray put on her pajamas and looked at Bella. She had no pajamas. “It’s ok Bella Bunny, my doll Suzie has pajamas, you can put on those”. So Gray helped Bella put on her pajamas. After a yummy supper of carrots and lettuce, Bella was ready to go to bed with Gray. They snuggled under Gray’s duvet, said their prayers, and then Gray sang a lullaby to help Bella Bunny sleep. “Hush a bye bunny Up in the sky On a soft cloud it’s easy to fly Angels keep watch Over as you sleep So hush a bye bunny Don’t make a peep” Gray felt so happy, but her eyes would not stay open. So she also fell into a wonderful sleep. “Goodnight, Bella Bunny, thank you for being my friend.” |
You are Greater than Spiderman
My one grandson at the age of 5 took the persona of Spiderman. He didn’t believe in himself but only felt confident if everyone saw him as Spiderman, so I wrote him this story which I believe he loved and keeps it next to his bed. Now he is Ryder and is confident once again in himself.
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Ryder. All Ryder wanted in life was to be Spider-man. One day when Ryder was playing on his bicycle pretending he was moving on his web, just like Spider-man, the actual Spider-man came down in front of him. He said: “Hey Ryder, I believe you want to be me?” Ryder replied: “Yes I do Spider-man. I want to be a superhero and be able to move from building to building, swinging on my web and helping people who are in need. Can you help me to be just like you?” ![]() Spider-man laughed. “Well Ryder, I want to be just like you”. “Like me, Spider-man, but why? I am just a boy and not a superhero.” “Oh, but you are a superhero Ryder, you were even named Ryder. Do you know what Ryder means?” asked Spider-man “No it is just a silly name I was given”, replied Ryder. To this Spider-man explained, that Ryder is a very special name. It means knight, horseman, and mounted warrior. A knight is a warrior, is very brave, and fights many battles. He fought for the King and swore to behave in a noble way. “God blessed you into this world, under an amazing Mom and Dad, and named you Ryder. A knight wears armor as I wear my spiderman outfit. I have to wear my outfit because if I don’t, I cannot do anything. You have armor that you can put on every day, and you even go to bed with it on.”, said Spider-man. “Where? I don’t see any armor on me,” exclaimed Ryder. “Ah-ha”, said Spider-man. “That is what is so special about your armor”. You are a child of God so let us go through what each piece of your armor means. “There is the breastplate of righteousness. A breastplate protects our vital organs, such as the heart and lungs.” When you put on this breastplate from God, every day and every evening, God protects you and you become righteous and your spiritual being is protected.” “Ok, Ryder put it on. Ask God for your breastplate of righteousness,” said Spider-man. “This helps us in what we think and what we do.” “There you go Spider-man, I have put it on,” said Ryder. “Now the exciting bit, your sword”, exclaimed Spider-man. “A sword is a weapon to strike the enemy”. “You have the best sword ever! This sword is the word of God! Nothing can be against you if you have the word of God.” “Clang, clang!” “So”, said Spider-man, get your sword ready. “You’re looking good Ryder! Place your armor over your feet. This armor is preparing you for victory and helps you with your goals.” “Have you got them on Ryder?” “But what about my head Spider-man? It is not protected! What can I do”. Said Ryder with concern. Spider-man replied: “Place your helmet on. This is one of the most important bits of armor. This is the helmet of salvation and when you put it on, you think of all the good things and God can help you think clearly.” “But Ryder, why do you believe in me?” asked Spider-man.“Because you have faith that I exist. Well, you need to have faith in your armor and to do this you need to have a shield. Your shield is strong! If you pick the shield up your faith will be strong” “One last area that needs protection Ryder,” said Spider-man. “Are your loins.” “Loins where are my loins?” asked Ryder. “They are the area between your legs, where your winky is, and your abdomen. That needs protection too.” “Don’t giggle, it is an important area.” This area is held on by a belt. “Well Ryder, as your name says, you have all of God’s armor on. Remember the armor of God makes you the SUPER of SUPER heroes! You now are a bigger hero than me and any battle you face in the future with your armor on will allow you to fight off any baddy.” |
Been Little and Left Out
Little Ben is a deep and wise soul! His Mom bought him and his sister reindeer antlers to wear on their heads. Rebecca loved hers and wore them often. Rebecca asked Ben why he didn’t wear his. He replied, “Bec’s it is ok if I don’t wear my antlers as we are different people and have different personalities.” Can you believe it! This a saying from just a 3-year-old!
Once upon a time, there was a very special boy called Benjamin. He was blessed into this world as God had a purpose for his life. His mommy and daddy were the best in his world and they both loved God very much. He had a sister called Rebecca, who also loved him very much, and he loved her too. Because Rebecca was older than Benjamin, she could do things that he could not quite do yet. At times he felt sad, as he also wanted to do the things his sister did. He knew in his heart that as he grew older, he would be able to do these things, but he felt he could not wait. He felt left out sometimes. He had a little blue car called Buzz that was also sad at times. Buzz was the smallest car in the toybox and he really wanted to be big like Jazzy Jeep and Blacky Bakkie. “I am so small”, said Buzz to Benjamin. He complained to Benjamin that he would really like to be big like Jazzy Jeep and have big wheels and be able to go on the mountains and mud. “If I go in the mud, I just get stuck”, said Buzz. ![]() Well, one day, there was a huge traffic jam, and all the cars needed to get to the shopping center to buy food for the weekend. They lined up in long queues. Jazzy Jeep moaned and groaned because he knew he was meeting the other jeeps and Blacky Bakkie on the mountain at the end of the day, to go and play. He worried because by waiting in the long queue on the road, he would use all his petrol up and he would not have enough and he would now have to miss the afternoon fun. Buzz, although small, was clever! He could go between all the cars and trucks. Vrrmm, vrrmm, he went, this way and that, and before he knew it, he was at the shops. He bought new spark plugs, pumped his tires, and even had a wash. As Buzz was kind, he bought some treats, snacks and extra petrol for Jazzy Jeep, and off he went again, vrrmm, vrrmm, between all the cars once again. When he arrived back, he parked at the bottom of the mountain and prepared a picnic for the bigger cars. He also got ready the extra petrol for Jazzy Jeep, in case he had used his all up. Near the end of the day, Jazzy Jeep and the other bigger cars came chugging in. “Oh, dear,” said Jazzy Jeep, “I have used all my petrol up!” “Now I am stuck!” Buzz said, “Not to worry Jazzy Jeep, I bought you some extra petrol. Come let us have our picnic, you can also put some petrol in, then you can have some fun on the mountain.” said Buzz. “Hooray for Buzz, hooray for Buzz”, all the bigger cars chanted! He saved the day! Well, Blacky the Bakkie saved Buzz’s day too. They loaded him onto the back of the bakkie and you know what? Buzz, also went up and down the mountain and in the mud, with the help of his friends. |
The Importance of Listening
Rebecca is the sweetest of souls who feels deeply and thinks about all things. At one stage she was not listening and doing what her mother and father asked her to do. Challenging their decisions. A very determined 6-year-old!
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Rebecca. She had beautiful long hair and eyes the color of the ocean. Rebecca loved her family, friends, and life and found it a big adventure. God has blessed her in so many ways and he had given her the name Rebecca, which means “to tie”, or “to bind”. This is so true as those who meet her, love her, and feel they are bound to her as she is bound to God. Her Daddy and Mommy love her very much and always instill in her the words of God because the word of God says “Children, do what your parents tell you. This is only right.” “Honor your father and mother” is the first commandment that has a promise attached to it, namely, “so you will live well and have a long life.” – Ephesians 6: 1-3. One day, Rebecca woke up and it was snowing. “How exciting, I want to go and play in the snow! Daddy, can I go outside and play today?” Daddy replied: “Not now Rebecca”. “Please Daddy, why can’t I?” “Because I said so, Rebecca.” But Rebecca thought she would go outside anyway. She thought to herself, “I want to, so I will, no one has to know.” So she put on her jacket and gumboots and snuck out the front door. ![]() She built a snowman, went on her toboggan, and had a snowball fight with some of her friends, but she wandered a little too far away from the house. The snow began to fall very heavily and Rebecca could not see where she was going. She felt lost and stepped onto a pathway and slipped. Her ankle hurt and she began to cry. Daddy was calling: “Rebecca, Rebecca, where are you?” Rebecca shouted back: “Here Daddy, here I am!” Daddy came towards her, found her and picked her up, and carried her home. Inside the warm house, he wrapped her ankle and rubbed some cream on to help with the pain. He gave her a hot warm drink, a cookie, and a huge hug! “I am sorry Daddy, I should have listened to you. Do you still love me? Can you forgive me?” Daddy replied: “Rebecca I will always love you, you are my daughter and no matter what you do, I will love you. God says the words “Honor your father and mother, so you will live well and have a long life.” God says these words because he has given you a mommy and daddy, to protect you and guide you, so you live a long and happy life. This morning I heard on the news that it would snow very heavily and that is why I said you are not to go out because I love you and want to protect you. I am pleased you are home and that I could find you. Of course, I forgive you. Rebecca gave her Daddy a big hug once again and made a note of what God has said. God’s words had a new understanding to her now and she planned to remember them. That night she asked God to help her listen to her mommy and daddy. |
Bragging can Create Jealousy
Jett our eldest grandson, who is now 7, is such a special, kindhearted chap. He was experiencing mixed feelings with friends and did not quite know how to handle things, even though he was a popular child. He was been bullied and different aspects of why children bully needed to be understood.
Once upon a time, there was a unique, amazing boy called Jett. He had this gorgeous mop of dark hair, beautiful eyes, and oh-so-very handsome. But what was special about Jett, was not only his good looks on the outside but this special boy inside. Since he was a little boy, God had given him a giving, sensitive heart that was a light that shone through and this light touched others and warmed their hearts too. Jett did not know God had given him this gift, but all gifts from God are used for his purpose and as Jett grew up, he started to learn about this light that God had given him. ![]() One day, Jett’s Dad gave him a special gift. It was a diamond that was huge, sparkled in the sun, and was very valuable. When Jett saw the diamond for the first time, he gazed at it and gazed at it and couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. Daddy said: “Jett I am giving you this special gift because you are like a diamond in my life. You are valuable and your light shines and touches my life. Look after it carefully.” Every day Jett took out the diamond and admired it. He felt very proud. One day when his close friend Jade had come to play, Jett showed his friend the diamond that his father had given him and told him that he is blessed and no one else has a diamond-like he has. Jett and Jade never fought or argued, but suddenly Jade felt heartsore because he did not have a diamond-like Jett. Jett said when Jade asked him to come over to the park to play: “OK, I will meet you there, but I will bring my diamond to show the other boys.” Jade did not think this was a good idea, but Jett took the diamond along anyway. They skateboarded and played and had a great time. Jett’s pocket felt very heavy all day as the diamond weighed so much. At the end of the afternoon, Jett took out his diamond and showed the other kids. They looked at it in amazement, but when Jett started to brag about how he had the biggest diamond in the world, they felt jealous. They did not like this Jett who bragged about this diamond. The next time when the kids went to the park, they did not invite Jett and they did not invite him the next time either. Jett felt very sad and lonely. He said to his Daddy: “Daddy, I have no friends left, they are jealous because I have this huge, beautiful diamond and they are sad because they do not have one too.” Daddy replied: “Jet, friends are far more valuable than a diamond that is put away in a cupboard. I have a good idea! Why don’t we ask the jeweler to split the diamond into as many pieces as your friends and you can share your diamond by giving them each a piece? Then your light can shine through each one of them.” Jett was excited about this! When the jeweler had split the diamond, he went to each one of his friends’ houses and gave them each a piece of the beautiful diamond. He said: “I am sorry I bragged about my diamond, but your friendship is more valuable to me and the diamond has no use locked away in the cupboard. Please have a diamond of your own and please forgive me. Jett’s friends were amazed at the gift Jett had given them and how humble and caring Jett was. Even the smaller diamond in Jett’s pocket did not feel heavy anymore. At the park, when all the friends were together, Jade took out his diamond and held it up to the sun. All the others did so too. The diamonds shone and sparkled, creating a bright light. Friends forever, they all said and Jett was happy because now they all had a light to share. |
Overcoming Fear
I wrote a story for them all and sent it by email to the parents. All kids and actually, all of us feel fear at some time or other, but like us all, we need a way to overcome that fear.
My story today is about fear. We all feel scared at times, don’t we? Oooh, I am really scared of spiders and even bees. I squeal when a bee comes near me and when I see a spider, I run out of the room calling “help, help”. I get rather silly, don’t I? But there are fears in your lives I am sure that are not silly to you at all, they are very real to you. We cannot understand why others do not understand how real our fears are. They seem to be inside us, not being able to get out. This is a story about Mr. Imagination, Mr. Fear, Mr. Why, and Mr. Promise. They all lived in a town called Answer Land. Answer Land was a very pretty, happy town. The grass was soft and oh so very green. Flowers peeped out everywhere in all colors of the rainbow. Mr. Sun smiled down upon the town and even when Mr. Rain came to visit so he could wash the town down, Mr. Sun would once again reappear with a smile on his face. ![]() Mr. Imagination had been traveling with Mr. Fear for some time. They had come from a far off dry, barren land called Muddle Land and was so used to being together that Mr. Imagination did not know what it would be like without Mr. Fear. Mr. Imagination was a young, tall, strong, kind, handsome man who was still growing, and he loved to have adventures. Mr. Fear, on the other hand, was shorter than Mr. Imagination, very ugly, and the only reason why Mr. Imagination stayed with Mr. Fear was that he believed he couldn’t do anything for himself. Mr Fear used to trick Mr. Imagination into believing that he couldn’t do anything and it was him, who could only do things for both of them and if Mr. Imagination wanted to do anything, then Mr. Fear had to be there. Of course, this is not true! Mr. Imagination was quite capable of doing things for himself, but sly as Mr. Fear is, he convinced Mr. Imagination that he couldn’t without him. They found a beautiful, cute home in Answer Land and made many friends. Mr. Imagination loved to go out every day and have lots of fun. He loved adventure! Mr. Fear used to tell him that nobody liked him if he was being himself. So he was always a bit scared. A special man came up to him one day, called Mr. Why. “Hello Mr. Imagination, I see that you are kind and very helpful to your friends and help them when they are in trouble and have amazing exciting ideas, but why do you stop being helpful and good when Mr. Fear stands next to you?” “Well,” said Mr. Imagination, “Mr. Fear said if I am good and kind, my friends will believe I am weak.” Mr. Why said very kindly, “Mr. Imagination, why do you listen to Mr. Fear?” “Because he has been with me for so long. I am scared all the time. I am scared of not being good at anything, scared of not being liked and scared of being a failure, scared of the dark and I have only had Mr. Fear to listen to me and guide me”, replied Mr. Imagination. “Come with me,” said Mr. Why. He took Mr. Imagination, up a gentle pathway to the top of a rolling hill into a beautiful castle. Mr. Why said, “Why am I taking you here Mr. Imagination? Because I want you to meet Mr. Promise. He is wise and can help you. People call him God.” “Mr. Why, I see you have brought Mr. Imagination to meet me?”, said Mr. Promise. “Oh yes!” Replied Mr. Why. “Why have I done this? Because Mr. Promise, Mr. Imagination, has started to lose his happiness, is scared of being kind and good, and is starting to always be afraid. Do you know why Mr. Promise?” At that moment Mr. Fear crawled in. He cried to Mr. Imagination in a squeaky voice, “Let us go Mr Imagination, hurry let us go!” Mr. Promise bellowed in a loud voice. “Get out Mr. Fear, out of my castle, out of Answer land, and never come back. You are not good, kind, and helpful like Mr Imagination. Stay away from Mr. Imagination!” So Mr. Fear fled, running as fast as he could out of Answer Land. Mr. Promise then turned to Mr Imagination. “Mr. Imagination, I am giving you my word and my promise, that if you surround yourself with my word, and learn my promises, Mr. Fear will not come back. I named you Mr Imagination, as I made you and if you stay in Answer land, I will always protect you. So Mr. Imagination used his imagination and placed the word and promises of Mr. Promise on the wall in his room, on his teacup and he even made a stunning T-shirt with the word in front. His friends were so impressed he even had to make them one too. Mr. Imagination lived happily in Answer Land, using his imagination and creating many wonderful things. Mr. Why became his best friend and once a week they went to visit Mr. Promise. Mr. Imagination read the word and promises Mr. Promise had given him. And you know what? Mr. Fear never came back to Answer Land. |
6 Other Recommended Stories

6 Other stories I recommend that you can read to your grandchildren, whether you are with them or apart from them, to stay connected are:
- The Tickle Book for younger children from 1 – 3 years of age
- Boy, you are Awesome! – super motivational book of stories for boys
- Snow in the Garden – a selection of poems, winter adventures, and crafts. Perfect for the 3 – 5-year-old
- Bedtime Stories for Kids – fun and a variety so a new story can be read daily
- Never Stop Dreaming – 10 encouraging stories for mainly boys between the age of 5 – 11
- Girls are Amazing – 7 original stories that encourage girls to be who they want to be, teach morals, and entertain. Perfect for the 5 – 7-year-old
Do you have some favorite books that you love to read to your grandkids? If so, share them with us in the comment below, so others can have the joy of reading them.
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