Unveiling Hum: Explore the Allure of Croatia’s Smallest Town

Unveil the hidden Croatian gem of Hum, the world’s smallest town. Immerse yourself in its rich history, legends, gastronomy, and natural beauty in Istria.

A Brief Explanation of the Concept of “hum”

Hum, the world’s smallest town

Hum holds a special place in Croatia’s rich cultural heritage. The term “hum” refers to a specific type of settlement found in the Istrian region, characterized by its compact size and unique charm. These miniature towns, like Hum, often have a rich history, captivating legends, and a sense of tranquility that sets them apart from larger urban centers.

Introduction to Croatia as the home of the world’s smallest town, Hum

Nestled in the captivating landscape of Istria, with a +/- population of 52, Croatia proudly claims the title of being home to the world’s smallest town – Hum. This charming destination, with its ancient stone walls and narrow streets, offers a glimpse into a bygone era and a testament to the enduring spirit of Croatian heritage. As visitors venture into Hum, they are greeted with a sense of tranquility and a warm embrace of history, making it a must-visit gem in the Croatian landscape.

The Charm of Hum

Hum, Croatia’s hidden treasure, is a place where time seems to slow down, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its captivating charm. As you step into this tiny town, you’ll be enchanted by its unique features and the peaceful ambiance that permeates its narrow streets.

Hum, Croatia’s Hidden Treasure

One of the remarkable aspects of Hum is its location and surroundings. Nestled amidst the lush green hills of Istria, Hum is surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. The rolling landscapes, vineyards, and olive groves that stretch as far as the eye can see create a mesmerizing backdrop for the town. The air is crisp and clean, carrying the sweet scent of wildflowers, making it a haven for nature lovers and those seeking a serene escape.

The architecture of Hum is another aspect that adds to its allure. The town’s stone houses, adorned with vibrant flowers and creeping vines, exude a rustic charm that transports visitors to a bygone era. The narrow, winding streets meander through the town, revealing hidden courtyards and secret corners waiting to be discovered. As you explore, the timeless beauty of the town unfolds before you, leaving you in awe of its well-preserved structures and ancient walls.

The peaceful and serene atmosphere of Hum is truly captivating. Far removed from the hustle and bustle of modern life, the town offers a tranquil respite where one can relax and rejuvenate. Time seems to slow down here, allowing visitors to stroll leisurely through its streets, take in the beauty of the surroundings, and connect with the simplicity of life.

Hum’s small size contributes to its charm. With a population of just a handful of residents, the town fosters a close-knit community feel. Locals greet each other warmly, and their genuine hospitality creates a welcoming atmosphere for visitors. The unhurried pace of life and the friendly smiles of the locals make Hum an inviting destination where you can truly escape the stresses of everyday life.

In addition to its natural beauty and architectural wonders, Hum boasts a rich cultural heritage. The town has a deep connection to its historical roots, and this is reflected in its museums, galleries, and cultural events. The Hum Museum provides insights into the town’s past, showcasing artifacts and exhibits that shed light on its fascinating history.

Whether you choose to explore the winding streets, indulge in the local gastronomy, or simply sit back and soak in the tranquil atmosphere, the charm of Hum is undeniable. It’s a place where you can disconnect from the outside world, immerse yourself in history, and embrace the simplicity and beauty of a truly unique Croatian gem.

Historical Significance

Historical Background of Hum

Hum’s history is as intriguing as the town itself. Dating back centuries, Hum has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the ebb and flow of cultures, and the passage of time. Its roots can be traced back to the ancient Roman era when it served as a fortified settlement.

Tracing the Origins of the Town and its Evolution Over Time

The origins of Hum can be found in the 11th century when a small church, now known as the Church of St. Jerome, was built on the site. Over time, a community began to form around the church, leading to the development of a medieval town. Hum grew steadily, its population increasing and its prominence as a regional center flourishing.

Throughout the centuries, Hum faced the challenges of war and conquest, changing hands between various ruling powers. From being part of the Venetian Republic to becoming a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hum has seen different flags flying over its walls.

Despite these shifts, the town managed to preserve its cultural identity and architectural heritage. Its stone houses, fortified walls, and medieval layout have remained remarkably intact, providing a glimpse into the past and evoking a sense of nostalgia.

The Significance of Hum as a Cultural and Historical Landmark in Croatia

Hum’s historical significance extends beyond its charming facade. As the world’s smallest town, it holds a special place in Croatia’s cultural and historical landscape. Its well-preserved medieval architecture serves as a testament to the region’s rich heritage and the craftsmanship of the past.

Hum’s significance lies not only in its physical structures but also in the stories and traditions woven into its fabric. The town has been a cultural center for generations, fostering the preservation of local customs, folklore, and traditional crafts. From lively festivals to music and dance performances, Hum showcases the vibrant cultural tapestry of the region.

Additionally, Hum’s historical importance is recognized through its designation as a cultural and historical landmark in Croatia. The town’s unique character and historical significance have earned it recognition and protection, ensuring its preservation for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Visiting Hum allows travelers to step back in time and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Croatian history. Exploring its narrow streets, wandering through its ancient walls, and discovering its hidden treasures offer a tangible connection to the past and a deeper appreciation for the cultural heritage of Croatia as a whole.

Hum’s historical significance as a cultural and historical landmark in Croatia cannot be overstated. Its origins dating back centuries, its evolution over time, and its role in preserving local customs and traditions make it a true gem in Croatia’s historical narrative. As you wander through its streets and soak in its atmosphere, you can’t help but feel the weight of history and appreciate the enduring legacy of this captivating town.

Legends and Folklore

Hum is not only a town of historical significance but also a place steeped in fascinating legends and folklore. These captivating tales add an extra layer of enchantment to the town’s already magical atmosphere, igniting the imagination of visitors.

Sharing Popular Legends and Stories Associated with Hum

One popular legend is the tale of the “Glagolitic Alley.” According to the legend, centuries ago, the Glagolitic script, an ancient Slavic alphabet, was brought to Hum by a benevolent knight who sought to preserve the region’s cultural identity. As a result, the alley leading to Hum is said to be adorned with stone monuments inscribed with Glagolitic letters, serving as a testament to the town’s linguistic and cultural heritage.

The Tale of Veli Jože: a legendary giant said to protect the town

Among the legends associated with Hum, the story of Veli Jože stands out. Veli Jože, a legendary giant, is believed to have once roamed the Istrian lands, including Hum. According to folklore, Veli Jože was a gentle giant who possessed superhuman strength and protected the people of Hum from harm. His enormous size and kind-hearted nature made him a beloved figure in local tales, representing the bravery and resilience of the town’s inhabitants.

Other Fascinating Folklore Traditions and Customs of the Region

These legends, customs, and folklore traditions create a tapestry of cultural richness that enriches the experience of visiting Hum. They offer a glimpse into the traditions, beliefs, and values of the local community, allowing visitors to connect with the region’s identity and immerse themselves in its vibrant heritage.

Beyond the tale of Veli Jože, Hum and its surrounding region are rich in folklore traditions and customs. The Istrian region has a vibrant folk heritage that is celebrated through various festivals and events.

  • One such event is the “Feast of St. Jerome,” the patron saint of Hum. This annual celebration brings together locals and visitors alike to honor the saint and partake in traditional festivities. The streets come alive with music, dancing, and colorful processions, providing a glimpse into the region’s cultural traditions.
  • Another fascinating tradition is “Truffle Hunting.” Istria is renowned for its truffles, and locals have developed a unique way of hunting these prized fungi. Accompanied by specially trained dogs, truffle hunters venture into the forests surrounding Hum in search of these elusive treasures. The hunt itself is a cherished cultural practice that has been passed down through generations, combining ancient knowledge and the thrill of discovery.

Hum’s legends and folklore weave a captivating narrative that adds depth and intrigue to the town’s historical significance. From the legendary giant Veli Jože to the preservation of ancient scripts, these tales provide a glimpse into the cultural tapestry of the region. Exploring the legends and customs of Hum and its surroundings allows visitors to delve deeper into the rich heritage and imagination of this enchanting Croatian town.

Experiencing Hum

Recommendations for Visiting Hum

When visiting Hum, there are several recommendations to make the most of your experience in this charming town. Here are a few suggestions to enhance your visit:

Experience Hum
  1. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere: Slow down, take a deep breath, and embrace the tranquility of Hum. Wander through its narrow streets, admire the stone houses, and let yourself be captivated by the town’s timeless charm. Allow the unhurried pace of life to guide your exploration and soak in the serenity that surrounds you. Going to Hum releases your adventurous spirit within you.
  2. Engage with the locals: Interact with the friendly locals who call Hum home. Strike up conversations, learn about their stories and traditions, and gain insights into the town’s rich cultural heritage. The warmth and hospitality of the residents will leave a lasting impression, giving you a genuine connection to the community.
  3. Capture the picturesque views: Hum offers stunning vistas that are worth capturing. From the sweeping landscapes of the Istrian hills to the charming streets lined with colorful flowers, keep your camera handy to preserve the beauty that unfolds at every turn. Whether you’re an avid photographer or simply enjoy capturing memories, Hum provides plenty of opportunities for breathtaking snapshots.
  4. Chase the waterfalls: Tourists should chase the breathtaking waterfalls around Hum to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, where cascading waters create a serene and magical atmosphere that will leave them enchanted.

Suggested activities and attractions

  1. Exploring the Hum Museum: Gain deeper insights into the history and heritage of Hum by visiting the Hum Museum. Located in the town center, the museum showcases artifacts, exhibits, and interactive displays that provide a comprehensive understanding of the town’s past. Learn about its origins, historical significance, and the daily lives of its inhabitants throughout the ages.
  2. Tasting traditional Istrian cuisine in local taverns: Indulge in the culinary delights of Istria by sampling traditional dishes in the local taverns of Hum. Istrian cuisine is renowned for its flavors, incorporating fresh local ingredients and Mediterranean influences. Try truffle-infused specialties, Istrian prosciutto, homemade pasta, and local wines for an authentic gastronomic experience that will tantalize your taste buds.
  3. Taking scenic walks and hikes in the surrounding nature: Immerse yourself in the natural beauty that envelops Hum by embarking on scenic walks and hikes in the surrounding countryside. Explore the rolling Istrian hills, vineyards, and olive groves, breathing in the fresh air and reveling in the serene landscapes. The trails offer opportunities for leisurely strolls or more challenging hikes, allowing you to discover hidden gems and connect with nature.

Participating in Local Festivals and Events

Hum comes alive with vibrant festivals and events throughout the year, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the cultural traditions and lively celebrations of the region. By participating in these local festivities, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the community spirit and folklore that define Hum. Here are some notable events to consider:

  1. Feast of St. Jerome: Celebrated on September 30th, the Feast of St. Jerome is Hum’s most significant annual event. Join the locals in honoring the town’s patron saint with religious processions, live music performances, traditional dances, and a lively market. Immerse yourself in the joyful atmosphere and witness the deep-rooted religious and cultural traditions of the community.
  2. Istrian Grappa Festival: Held in nearby Buzet, the Istrian Grappa Festival is a celebration of the region’s most famous brandy. Typically taking place in October, the festival showcases the art of grappa-making through tastings, workshops, and competitions. Engage your senses, savor different varieties of grappa, and learn about the traditional distillation methods used in Istria.
  3. Truffle Days: Istria is renowned for its truffles, and the Truffle Days festival celebrates this culinary treasure. Taking place from autumn.

Nearby Attractions

While Hum itself offers a captivating experience, there are several nearby attractions and places of interest that are worth exploring. From picturesque hilltop towns to stunning natural landscapes, the surrounding region of Istria has much to offer visitors. Here are some highlights:

  • The Istrian region and its renowned hilltop towns: Istria is known for its charming hilltop towns, each with its own unique character and attractions. Towns like Motovun, Grožnjan, and Buzet are all within a short distance from Hum and offer stunning views, well-preserved medieval architecture, and a vibrant arts scene. Stroll through the cobbled streets, visit art galleries and craft workshops, and enjoy panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside.
  • Exploring the natural beauty of Istria, including national parks and beaches: Istria boasts an abundance of natural beauty, ranging from lush forests and rolling hills to stunning coastlines. The Brijuni Islands National Park, located off the western coast of Istria, offers a unique blend of nature and history, with beautiful landscapes and ancient Roman ruins to discover. Additionally, the Cape Kamenjak Nature Park, located on the southern tip of Istria, features a rugged coastline, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and enjoying the sun.

The Istrian region and its renowned hilltop towns

The Istrian region, where Hum is located, is a treasure trove of enchanting hilltop towns that showcase the rich history and culture of the area. These towns, perched on hill slopes, offer breathtaking views and a glimpse into Istria’s past.


Motovun is one such town that attracts visitors with its medieval charm. Its imposing walls, narrow streets, and well-preserved buildings create a romantic atmosphere. The town is also known for hosting the Motovun Film Festival, which showcases independent and international films, drawing cinephiles from around the world.


Grožnjan, often referred to as the “town of artists,” is a haven for creativity and cultural exploration. With its numerous art galleries, studios, and cultural events, Grožnjan attracts artists and art enthusiasts alike. The town’s picturesque setting and vibrant art scene make it a must-visit destination for those seeking inspiration.


Buzet, known as the “town of truffles,” offers a unique gastronomic experience. This hilltop town is famous for its truffle delicacies, and visitors can indulge in truffle hunting excursions and taste the exquisite flavors of this prized fungus. Buzet also hosts the annual Istrian Grappa Festival, celebrating the traditional Istrian brandy and offering an opportunity to learn about the distillation process.

Exploring the Natural Beauty of Istria, including National Parks and Beaches

Nature lovers will be delighted by the abundance of natural beauty that Istria has to offer. The region is home to several national parks, protected areas, and stunning beaches that invite visitors to explore and unwind.

The Brijuni Islands National Park

The Brijuni Islands National Park, located off the coast of Istria, is a true gem. Comprising a group of 14 islands, it features diverse flora and fauna, ancient Roman ruins, and beautiful beaches. Visitors can explore the islands by taking guided tours, renting bicycles, or simply relaxing on the pristine shores.

Cape Kamenjak Nature Park

Cape Kamenjak Nature Park, located on the southernmost tip of Istria, is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. With its rugged coastline, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters, it offers opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and diving. The park’s diverse ecosystems and stunning landscapes make it a haven for hikers and cyclists as well.

Gastronomy in Hum

Istrian cuisine is a delightful fusion of Mediterranean and Central European flavors, influenced by its geographical location and rich cultural heritage. Known for its emphasis on fresh, local ingredients, Istrian gastronomy offers a diverse range of dishes that highlight the region’s culinary traditions.

Traditional dishes and specialties of Hum

Hum, nestled in the heart of Istria, is a fantastic place to indulge in traditional Istrian cuisine. The town’s taverns and restaurants offer a mouthwatering array of dishes that showcase the flavors and traditions of the region.

One of the iconic dishes you must try in Hum is the Istrian prosciutto. Cured and air-dried with a touch of sea salt and herbs, Istrian prosciutto has a distinct flavor and tender texture. Pair it with locally produced cheese, olives, and freshly baked bread for a delightful combination.

Truffles are another culinary treasure of the region, and Hum is renowned for its truffle-infused dishes. Indulge in truffle-flavored pasta, risotto, or scrambled eggs with grated truffles. The earthy aroma and rich flavors of truffles add a unique touch to these dishes, creating a truly memorable gastronomic experience.

For seafood lovers, the coastal influence of Istria shines through in dishes like grilled fish, squid ink risotto, or brodet, a flavorful fish stew. Freshly caught seafood is prepared with care, allowing the natural flavors to take center stage.

Wine Tasting and Vineyards in the Region

Istria is also known for its excellent wines, and a visit to Hum offers an opportunity to explore the region’s vineyards and indulge in wine-tasting experiences. Istrian wines, both red and white, have gained recognition for their quality and distinct character.

Many vineyards and wineries surround Hum, offering visitors a chance to discover the winemaking traditions of the region. Take a tour of the vineyards, learn about the different grape varieties grown in Istria, and engage in wine tastings guided by knowledgeable sommeliers. Istrian wines often showcase fruity notes, elegant aromas, and a perfect balance of flavors, making them a delight to savor.

Among the notable grape varieties found in the region are Malvazija and Teran. Malvazija, a white grape, produces crisp and aromatic wines, while Teran, a red grape, gives rise to bold and robust wines. Each sip tells a story of the Istrian terroir and the dedication of the winemakers.

As you enjoy the wine tastings, take in the picturesque landscapes of vine-covered hills and rolling countryside. The combination of exceptional wines, stunning scenery, and warm hospitality ensures a memorable experience for wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

The gastronomy of Hum and the Istrian region is a treat for the senses. From the savory Istrian prosciutto to the earthy flavors of truffles and the exquisite wines produced in the vineyards nearby, Hum offers a culinary journey that reflects the traditions, flavors, and cultural heritage of Istria. Indulge in the local dishes, sample the exceptional wines, and let your taste buds explore the rich tapestry of flavors that make Istrian cuisine truly remarkable.

Practical Information

Best time to visit Hum

The best time to visit Hum is during the spring and autumn months, from April to June and September to October. During these seasons, the weather is pleasant, with mild temperatures and fewer crowds. The town comes alive with colorful blooms in spring, creating a picturesque backdrop for exploration. In autumn, you can experience the grape harvest and truffle season, adding an extra culinary delight to your visit.

However, it’s worth noting that Hum has its unique charm throughout the year, and even during the summer months, it retains a peaceful and intimate atmosphere compared to larger tourist destinations.

Accommodation options in and around Hum

Hum offers a range of accommodation options to suit different preferences and budgets. While the town itself is small and doesn’t have many hotels, there are charming guesthouses and private accommodations available. These accommodations provide a cozy and authentic experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the town’s atmosphere. 

Additionally, there are several agritourism options in the surrounding countryside, where you can stay on traditional Istrian farms and enjoy the rustic charm of the region. If you prefer more extensive choices, nearby towns like Buzet and Motovun offer a wider selection of hotels, boutique resorts, and vacation rentals.

Transportation tips for getting to Hum

Hum is located in the Istrian region of Croatia and is well-connected to other parts of the country and neighboring countries. Here are some transportation tips for getting to Hum:

  1. By car: The most convenient way to reach Hum is by car. The town is easily accessible via well-maintained roads, and driving through the Istrian countryside offers scenic views. From major cities in Croatia, such as Zagreb, Pula, or Rijeka, the drive to Hum takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.
  2. By bus: Several bus companies operate regular routes to and from Hum, connecting it with nearby towns and cities in Istria. Buses offer a cost-effective option for transportation, and the bus station in nearby Buzet is the main hub for accessing Hum by public transportation.
  3. By train: Although there is no train station in Hum, you can take a train to nearby towns like Buzet or Pazin and then continue the journey by bus or taxi to reach Hum. Trains in Croatia provide a comfortable and scenic mode of transportation, particularly when traveling from other parts of the country.
  4. By air: The nearest international airport to Hum is Pula Airport, located approximately 60 kilometers away. Pula Airport offers domestic and international flights, connecting Istria to various European cities. From the airport, you can rent a car or take a taxi to reach Hum.

Once in Hum, the town is small enough to explore on foot. The compact size allows visitors to wander through its charming streets and absorb the peaceful ambiance at a leisurely pace.

Planning a visit to Hum involves considering the best time to go, exploring the accommodation options, and selecting the most suitable transportation method. Whether you choose to visit during the spring or autumn, enjoy the cozy guesthouses, or explore the surrounding towns, getting to Hum is relatively straightforward by car, bus, train, or plane. With these practical tips in mind, you can plan your trip to Hum with ease and ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience in this enchanting Croatian town.


Hum, Croatia’s smallest town, holds a unique charm that captivates visitors. Its ancient stone walls, cobbled streets, and warm hospitality create an enchanting atmosphere. The town’s historical significance, fascinating legends, and delicious gastronomy add to its allure. With nearby attractions, stunning natural landscapes, and rich cultural heritage, Hum offers a truly immersive experience in the heart of Istria.

Read my article on Why You Need to Visit Croatia. What an incredible country!

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