Long-distance connection with Grandchildren: Stay connected with your grandkids while traveling using these technology tips. Keep them connected wherever you go
Why is it Important
- You miss them wherever you are
- They seem to grow up while you are away
- Want to share your experience with them
- You have a lot to offer
- Keeps the grandkids entertained
- Takes the longing for absence away on both sides
“Elephants and grandchildren never forget” – Andy Rooney
Totally enchanted we are with our grandkids! Being away from them for two weeks seems an eternity and if they are young they feel as if you have deserted them. It is important you stay connected.
Being a grandma myself and a very dedicated one too, I try to stay linked to my grandchildren on a regular basis when I travel. Concentration for long periods is hard for them to stay focused so our associated time needs to keep them enticed.
In the future maybe consider going on vacation with your grandkids without the parents. Read my article on Taking Grandkids on Vacation without parents. It will give you some great advice on how to do this.
Time to Prepare what to Do with them when you connect
What I used to do each evening, prior to going to bed, is make notes in my journal on how I would relate to them the following day and at the end of each day after gathering “valuable” information to share with them, I would pack what I purchased for them, go over what I had seen and even write them a story to tell.
You need to see what time zone you are in so it is a practical time for them to be able to communicate with you. Make sure it is not when they are too tired or doing homework or sport. I often found that while they were eating lunch or dinner was a great moment, moreover, when tummies are being filled they are focused and have your attention and the parents are forever grateful for the distraction. They are also more inclined to talk to you at this time. Sharing their day or happy or sad moments allows them to chatter while eating.
Listening without judgment is a very important task for a grandma. Topics change from one to another very rapidly, and while conversing their initial woes have long been forgotten and what they did yesterday, seems a lifetime away from what they did that day. Your interaction, even as a listener, makes them feel loved and important.
7 Tips to Connect using Technology
1. FaceTime on Whatsapp
This has been the best invention ever invented for Grandma! Prior to you leaving home, make sure you have it on your phone. Wherever you are staying, on a cruise, train, hotel, or anywhere else, you will have data. Data is the most economical way to stay connected.
If your phone through to your family at an organized time each day, you will not be charged a fortune for that phone call. The data will be used, not your purse.
Facetime allows the grandkids to see you, you can see them, see pictures they have drawn or things they want to show you.
Taking a new tour around each day will give them an idea of where you are staying, sleeping, your views from your balcony, or the scenery that is passing you by. allow them a fabulous way they can have a virtual experience with you.
2. Reading them Stories
“Books train your mind to imagination to think big“.
Taylor Swift
Yes, I know the word technology can be frightening, but this is not hard to set up. Download Voice Recorder you will be able to record stories that you either read or have written yourself. Remember CONNECTION is the prime factor here. You do not have to be an author to do these stories. You can then send them this adventure.
I do this in two ways. Often I record a story I am reading to them so they can listen as a bedtime story or use Facetime to read to them while I am connected. Sometimes both.
From my days’ experiences and wonderments, I make up imaginative stories I can tell them. I also like to either have purchased a few books before I leave or I purchase one relevant to the country or city I am in or make up a story filled with adventure to read or record to send to the grandchildren. Be extra expressive and you will capture their attention.
If they are tiny, I find the best books are the ones with a few words. These can be done repeatedly. As you read they can see the pictures on Facetime. My grandson loves the POP-Up Peekaboo series. These pop-ups immediately grab their attention and they delight in the hide-and-seek concept.
Being of the wiser generation, I also want to share something of myself and my history, so a great favorite is Enid Blyton, which I read to my kids and my parents read to me. A great series is The Secret Seven. I am sure you remember these. Children still find these so riveting! One chapter a day is sufficient. This makes them excited to spend more time with you the following day.
3. Snapchat
Snapchat is so silly! Yes, the grandkids will love it! Make sure your kids and you download this on your phones so your grandkids can receive the videos or photos. You in turn can receive their silly pictures or videos.
It is an App that you download on your phone. Very simple to use, but can be hilarious, and makes communication extra fun! Add that silly mustache or hat and write that message in color. Go and experiment. Personally, you will enjoy it, it is totally awesome!
Geared for us beginners.
4. Photos
“A tear contains an ocean. A photographer is aware of the tiny moments in a person’s life that reveal greater truths.”
Photographs carry many stories of their own.
Each day when you are out and about sightseeing and venturing into new wonders, take many photographs. Sometimes words are inadequate as they will never be able to tell the whole story. Don’t forget to capture the humanity of the moment, the feeling of reality you are observing, and the inspiration you are feeling. It is magical to remember that twinkling second that enthused you emotionally to take that photo.
Send the grandkids a few photos that share your adventures with them. Remember if you see something that they will appreciate during the day take pictures of that animal, bird, or statue. Also, other children when their attire is different from how they dress.
5. Videos
Each phone has the facility to take a video. Don’t make the videos too long as that will take up too much of your own personal data, but these snippets make your encounter or happening come alive to the grandchildren. This will be so enjoyable for them.
6. Folding Paper Shapes – Origami
When you pack, make sure you have packed a few sheets of paper. White and a few colors. On Facetime, I ask my grandkids to get their paper ready too, and step by step we make simple pieces. One of their favorites is an airplane folded. This also keeps them busy for ages after the call.
Origami actually originated in China and became a big hit in Japan. There are so many creative, unique yet simple designs you can do. It is fun for you all! Amazon has some super books on origami you can purchase to get yourself inspired and learn how to make some exciting creations that are simple, so the kids can follow.
7. Zoog
Stories, jokes, and songs with a difference. You become part of their story. This has been a great hit all around. I personally have had such fun doing these. Being short, and funny keep their attention. Sign up to Zoog and all have fun together also you can download the Zoog app for your phone.
Watch a few YouTube videos on this and get inspired.
Stay Connected
Our grandkids are forever in our hearts, no matter where we are. Being away from them can be heartbreaking. One or two weeks is a long time for them.
Having these moments with them on your trip will give you immense pleasure! When you return, and you are showing your family your photos, they will butt in and add in stories that they shared with you.
Do you miss your grandkids terribly while on vacation? If you have other ideas on how to stay connected, please share these with us in the comments below, so others can benefit from your suggestions.
You are the child of my child,
and your life is a joy to me.
I am grateful to have you in my life.
As I watch through the generations,
I am reminded that the bonds we form
Are as everlasting as the spirit.
Author Unknown