Find out why retirement is not a permanent vacation and discover the issues you should take into consideration before retiring, as retiring is very hard work.
What Does Retiring Actually Mean?
The expression, “I need a vacation” and motioning this action forward stands valid for a healthy future change of mind, health, outlook and longer life. It must become a requisite and be planned annually.
Retiring can mean different things to different people. The most common understanding is that when you get to 60 to 65 years of age, you retire from your job and start doing the things you have always wanted to do, such as playing golf, joining charity organizations, and taking up new hobbies, for example, painting and pottery. You have been putting money aside for all the travelling you are going to do.
Many people half retire, or semi-retire, that is working part-time or half days and this allows them to still bring some income in for living expenses and to keep themselves occupied without being totally exhausted. This also creates opportunities to do all the things they have envisaged prior to retirement.
You also get the really “clever” individual, who has invested wisely and has passive income which allows them to retire as early as 30 or 40 years of age. Often as a couple, they both worked and lived off one income and saved the partner’s income.
Why does Retiring Require a Huge Adjustment and Planning?

Just think about it! After 50 you enjoy those 10 years of being wiser, not having to prove yourself to anyone, and then suddenly you are in the ’60s. New thoughts about one day you will cease to exist and that your time is running out, but now in retirement, you need to fill your time with things to do.
In retrospect, you start a subconscious panic because, in the back of your mind, you are asking yourself how many years you actually got left. You believe you have an enormous amount of things to do as for years you have been planning this moment, but when the moment arrives you seem to go around in circles.
Will I remain physically healthy to actually do all the things I have thought about doing in the new stage of my life? What do I start doing first? These little reminders hover in the back of one’s mind.
Your waking moments are different. Instead of rushing to get ready for a busy day at work, your need to initiate your own actions and plans for that day has to come from within. The novelty of retirement does start to wear off after a few months, so early planning and discipline are imperative.
After a few months of doing exciting activities, loneliness can start creeping in, fatigue, unable to sleep patterns and depression. Self-motivation to get up in the mornings starts to dwindle and a feeling that you are a bit lost can start hitting you. Exercise starts being the last thing on your mind and sleep becomes your priority.
Planning at the start of your retirement must be your priority and must remain a habit. Health number one, friends number two, hobbies number three and a vacation should be planned twice annually. Staycations are to be done at least 4 times a year.
What is the difference between a “Vacation” and a “Staycation”?

A VACATION takes you away from home, generally for more than a few days, by flight, cruise or train to another country. You experience the culture, cuisine and etiquette of the people you meet and see new wonders of that new world. Packing and planning for the trip, which can take weeks is a necessity and creates a feeling of exhilaration, achievement, purpose and excitement. There are many specialists out there who can assist you with your planning and bookings so it is not too overwhelming. I have written some articles to assist you with your planning. I know how stressful planning for a vacation can be!
A STAYCATION, on the other hand, allows you to adventure out on day excursions, weekends away not too far, birdwatching, adventure outings, hiking weekends, cycling or girlfriend getaways.
Staycations take less planning, generally are cheaper, you won’t suffer from jet lag, and time for travel is less and easier to get the girls together.
Why do YOU need a Vacation once you Retire?
Vacations are even more vital once you retire than ever before. Certain ageing processes start to happen to our bodies as we get older but by planning and going on vacations this process can be “delayed” to a large degree.
The Mind

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” — Ibn Battuta |
Travelling to new countries keeps your mind stimulated. Learn a bit of the language prior to going. A great app for this is Duolingo. It is free and easy to use. You will get totally engrossed in the learning process.
Which countries have you envisaged in the past to visit? Now is the time! Look up on Google the type of foods you will be eating, places you would like to see, and areas you feel you must visit. Understand a bit about the culture and people. Maybe consider going to the theatre? Learn as much as you can about your destination. This does wonders for your mind and if done twice a year, it can be enormously beneficial.
If you choose to go on a cruise trip, you will be visiting a couple of different countries. Do research about each one of your stops. Learn about the history of the cruise liner you will be going on. One of my favourite cruise liners is NCL which stands for Norwegian Cruise Liners.
While on vacation your mind will go bonkers with all the new information you will be gathering! From tour guides, people, shopping, restaurants, new friends and so many other factors.
The Body

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” ― Lao Tzu |
For me, the scariest factor is how the body starts to decline as we get older. Even my five-year-old granddaughter drew a picture of her and me together on a sunny day in the country. She drew herself taller than me. On asking why she is taller than me, she replied: “Gogs you are starting to get old and your body will shrink, so I will be taller than you.” We need to make our bodies strong and fit through exercise and correct eating habits.
Going on vacation keeps you exercising! You would not exercise so much if you stayed at home. One of the special vacations I went on was with my son and my daughter-in-law, to Italy. I was blown away by this implausible country of history and splendour. We walked approximately 10 km a day, not because we had to but because we just had such a desire to see as much as we could, as the grandeur kept tugging us in as the love of this country increased. Of course, not all vacations required so much walking.
If you are going on vacation with or to your family, the grandkids keep you fit. Forever demanding your attention and you, in turn, loving every moment!
9 Different Hobbies to take up for Vacationing
“Cover the earth before it covers you.” — Dagobert Runes |
Begin a hobby that will keep you focused throughout the year, and keep you active and when you go on vacation, you can benefit from all the work and passion you have invested in developing this hobby. A hobby is pursuing pleasure and will give your new life meaning once again. Numerous hobbies can be taken up simultaneously.
1. Hiking

Hiking is a pastime that can be pursued regularly on a weekly basis and when going on vacation, the hiking tours of your chosen destination will leave you breathless. You feel you are making your way to the inner soul of that country, seeing and feeling the pulse of new discoveries.
2. Birding

A hobby that gives you a feeling of purpose in life. Birding is one of my much-loved hobbies. Everywhere you go there are birds. Prior to going on vacation to a new country, you research the birds you would like to spot. When actually arriving, the elation you feel when you do spot one on your list is so rewarding! Birding tours are fabulous without being overcrowded. A super way to make new friends!
3. Cycling

Cycling reduces muscle weakening and the ageing process and little pressure is placed on the joints. All over the world you can hire bicycles and enjoy the city or country on two wheels while keeping yourself fit. The Netherlands is a perfect example of this. Such a flat country so one need not overexert oneself up and down steep inclines and declines while appreciating the organised or self-tour.
4. Motorcycling

It is never too late to start your dream! Motorcycle touring for women and grandmas has increased rapidly over the last 10 years.
Just because you are retiring does not mean your life is over! Want to ride a motorcycle, well do it! Numerous grandmas now have motorcycles and go in groups to other countries and hire motorbikes and go on motorcycle tours travelling the country feeling free and exhilarated.
5. Chasing Beaches

Oh me gosh! This is an awe-inspiring hobby to take up! Chasing beaches all over the world, each time you travel. Seas that transfix you into their purity of depth. Sands of different colours and textures. Beaches that stretch out as far out as you can see. My inner being gets reformed and rehabilitated each time I venture to new beaches.
6. Pursuing the Most Dangerous & Weirdest Bridges

Have you ever thought about this hobby? Something so different, yet the revolutionized thought process gives you a new outlook on travel, adrenalin, history and encounters. Prior to your vacation and even when you return, you can gather so much history about the country you are visiting or have just visited.
7. Adventure Travel

By retiring you have taken your first step forward into an adventure. Adventure travel can be exhilarating, adrenalin charging and an enlivening holiday you will never forget. Do it for the thrill of it! Once one trip has been undergone, your desire to do additional trips will entice you repeatedly.
There are so many variants of adventure travel, but aim on each vacation to do something different and to have an adventure!
8. Non-Touristy Things

Another leisure pursuit is aiming to do non-touristy things while going on a vacation. These can vary considerably, but the method can be planned. Examples of this can be volunteering, and staying in unique accommodations other than hotels. This form of slow tourism allows a caterpillar holiday to become a butterfly trip. Very rewarding!
9. Island Hopping

Do you know how many islands there are in the world? Approximately 670 000! So going island hopping each year will take you more than your lifetime. So many luxurious and one-of-a-kind experiences, capturing the magic Instagram moments. Not all islands are the same and some are not safe, so you will choose not to go there, but others are also totally unique. What a miraculous challenge!
10. Girlfriend Getaways

Friends are forever important. Old ones and new ones you make while you are travelling and being active in your hobbies. Going away together on girlfriend getaways, sharing, crying and relaxing together fills you up with new energy and a feeling that people really do care.
Depression and Anxiety
“And into the forest, I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” — John Muir |

Your condition and status in life change when you retire. Being at home without purpose and change can allow depression to seep in.
Prior to retirement one focuses on financial stability, to enable you to retire. You work hard and build a busy career, and have your kids and grandchildren but seldom does one plan emotionally for retirement.
Then you hit retirement. This pleasure can last up to two years as you spend more time with grandkids, family, and friends, start new hobbies and even start up small businesses.
Disillusionment and discouragement creep in after the honeymoon period of retirement. One can start feeling depressed, and anxious and feel you have no purpose in life anymore.
Then comes the stage of reevaluation and reexamining of your retirement, realizing you alone and only you can get out of this rut.
Some say that only after 15 years from beginning retirement, one only then becomes content and peaceful retirement.
Why waste so much time and so many years? You don’t have to! Start planning your vacations and do many staycations. The life of a retiree can be wonderful!
“The journey matters more than the destination.” ― Tony Fahkry |
Are you retired? Have you thought about travelling on a more regular basis and starting new hobbies? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
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